Wynonna Judd assured worried fans with a mental health update posted to Instagram on Tuesday (Jan. 3), which she decided to share after realizing that some of her followers were “genuinely concerned” about her.

“Well, I’m OK,” she began, in response to a comment that Judd displayed in the video, accusing the star’s manager “pushing her too hard.” The commenter wrote, “For God’s sake…she just tragically lost her mother. Seems like her manager is getting a little greedy at the expense of her health. She just doesn’t appear well. I would like to see her take an extended break for her own mental and physical health.”

“I am working so hard on my mental, physical and spiritual wellbeing,” Judd explained. “I have a great team. I’m really blessed, and I’m broken, and I’m working really hard at self care, which is not selfish. It’s sacred.”

Judd added that while she has a “full schedule,” she also spends time at her farm, takes walks in the woods and spends time with her family and dogs. She concluded by saying, “The last thing I’ll say is: can’t keep a good woman down too long.”

Wynonna’s mother, Naomi Judd, who had battled depression, died by suicide on April 30, one day before The Judds were set to be inducted into the Country Music Hall of Fame. “I did not know that she was at the place she was at when she ended it, because she had had episodes before and she got better,” the 58-year-old shared of her mother’s death in a September interview with CBS Sunday Morning. “And that’s what I live in, is like, ‘Was there anything I should have looked for or should I have known?’ I didn’t. That’s why it’s such a shock.” 

Watch Wynonna’s mental health update below.